Discoveries at the Harn by: Peter Staviski

This piece by Yayoi Kusama called Nets-Infinity at first seemed like a basic red blob on a canvas and i was confused by what it meant. It was after I stared at it for a while that made me truly realize what i was seeing. As I stared at it longer it almost spoke to me in a futuristic way. I saw it as if it was a piece of the future. There is no way I would've been able to appreciate this work fully if I did not come see it in person. The intricate continuous patterns on the canvas made me feel as if i was in a different time zone also giving me a warm sensation inside. The overall message of Kusama's work to me was that life will be infinite so do what you need to in the time being to obtain your own good life.

As I continued to venture through the museum there was a lit up room on the northwest corner. I was intrigued by the various pieces of artwork that were there. The way the museum was able to capture the depth of some of these pieces of artwork such as the Helmet Mask by Sierra Leone and Liberia was breathtaking. The art was placed at such an angle that the light would hit it at just the right spots allowing for a cleaner viewing. This exhibit made me feel like I was viewing a treasure. It brought me happy sensations of pleasure.

This piece by Justine Kurland called Sheep Wranglers really hits home for me. I was intrigued with the setting of this piece. It instills peacefulness and kindness throughout. I grew up on a farm so this immediately called out to me. It took me back to a time when I didn't have stresses in my life, a simpler time. Almost tearing up after looking at this piece for so long I felt a strong love for my family and friends, and by observing this piece I was able to go back to a place that I have not been to in a long time.

Standing Female Figure (Madonna) is an especially interesting piece. For merely being a clay statue it shows such a larger image about the world. This woman is going out and seeking the good life. She has her child in arms figuring out the way of the world. Her dress shows a very traditional family figure of a maid and cook. As I look at this woman I see so much more than clay, I see the struggles of a woman looking for her happiness. I can relate to this personally because like most people I have a lot of obstacles in my life. This piece shows me that its not about the hardships in life its about seeking a way past them. Seeking ones good life is a key step in the pursuit of happiness.

Created By
Pete Staviski

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