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"The hall’s habitat dioramas, among the finest in the world, recreate the natural environments in which these animals were found at the beginning of the twentieth century. Showcasing a range of habitats — from desert to rainforest, these startlingly real recreations include the trees, plants and birds that lived alongside the featured animals. Sadly, due to human encroachment, many of these animals are extremely rare and their original environments no longer exist in the world — except as captivating dioramas."

- https://www.nhm.org/site/

- https://www.nhm.org/site/

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Created with images by PIRO4D - "astronomy forward space travel" • Thanate Tan - "Milan Natural History Museum" • 466654 - "dinosaur jurassic bones" • sarahstierch - "National Museum of Natural History" • vishpool - "Natural History Museum @ NYC" • donjd2 - "Dinosaur at the American Museum of Natural History"

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