My passions...

My passions are 1. Technology. My passions are to be a software engineer. I want to Make Desktops and and Laptops. Im really interested in companies such as Razor or Microsoft or Alien ware. My artifact for this passion is My PC at home. It is a Ge force GTX 950 M With four gigs of Ram. Not many people will know what I said but that's my passion.

My second Passion is to Play sports. I'm interested to play soccer and basketball. My artifact is to represent this passion is Whenever I step on that Soccer field before a game or Step on a basketball court it gets my blood pumping and my adrenaline rushing which then makes me dedicated to giving it my all.

In the end these are my passions...

Smart Goals...

My goal is to become a Software engineer. I wish to build gaming desktops and laptops or working for companies like Microsoft, apple and many more. Reason why this is my smart goal is because im really intregged in software engineer because when i walk into a store say Microsoft I examine all the new desktops and laptops. I look at what the desktop can withstand and run. As at home i have a Ge force 950M HP pavilion and that dosent mean its super fast but when i walk into stores I see computers that have really powerful processers such as Geforce 1080M. Nerd stuff I know probably only a few people understood what I said but this is my smart goal and im dedicated to reach my goal as working for a big tech company.

Lumina learning...

My top two colors are Red and Blue. My first color is Red. I'm always ready to back up my point and i personally don't let people deny my ideas. I prefer to use logical ways to analyze the problem in a rational matter. My second color is Blue. My second color is Blue because when i'm under stress I stop talking to my peers and choose to be alone. Also when im under stress i get easily distracted meaning my ideas/plans go elsewhere. Another characteristic is i'm very skeptical about new ideas I appear indecisive when it comes to making quick decisions.

Here is my Lumina Learning Portrait

Multiple Intelligences

Body Movement: I like to move, dance, wiggle, walk, and swim. I'm good at sports, and I have good fine motor skills. I enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together. Incorporating body movement into my learning will help you process and retain information better.

Self: I have a very good sense of self. I like to spend time by myself and think things over. I often take in information from another person, mull it over by myself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. I like working on projects on my own. I often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance my learning include keeping a journal and giving myself time to reflect on new ideas and information.


I see myself as a brown individual and can describe myself with the words amused or curious. The reason why i chose these words is because they describe who i'am as a person. I tend to ask a lot of questions and amused what the answer could be. In the end that's my personal identity



Created with images by NASA Goddard Photo and Video - "Hubble Goes High Def to Revisit the Iconic 'Pillars of Creation'" • Theud-bald - "Highspeed water (high)-5" • PRMF - "Full HD 1080p Wallpapers (9)" • flavouz - "battlestation 2013" • PRMF - "Full HD 1080p Wallpapers (53)" • Pexels - "clouds hd wallpaper nature" • tommyvideo - "colors bokeh lights"

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