Tom Sawyer Book Report

You can't pick an apple. When your aunt Polly stop you, she said that. You very can't pick an apple? Answer: Yes, I can pick an apple put always after my job for aunt Polly.

Why do you manipulate your friends for painting the fence? Answer: Because painting a fence is very boring and long. It was very quickly because all my friends paint it together! After, I has a lot of nice things.
Why did you start to draw when you are beside Becky? Answer: I do that because Becky will think that I'm a good drawers and its work. She was impress of me.
What did you think when Injun Joe kill Doctor Robinson? Answer: Me and Huck was very terrify. We move because it was so scaring for us!
Why did you decide to go alone on the Jackson's Island? Answer: Because me and my friends was free. It was so nice. No school, no adults just us and the nature! We make every thing by us.


Created with images by Boston Public Library - "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s Comrade) [Front cover]" • cocoparisienne - "apple fruit fruits" • Tim Green aka atoach - "Fence" • Kain Kalju - "Colored pencils" • spaceodissey - "Graveyard" • grongar - "Island"

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