Earthquakes BY:PARTH

Earthquakes are one of the worlds dreadful disasters.The countries that have a lot earthquakes are:Japan,Nepal,India,Pakistan,Mexico,Turkey,Fiji,Tonga and Indonesia.An earthquake that hit Haiti on January 2010 with a magnitude of 7.0 killed over 200000 people according to the Haitian sources . Seismometer are used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.The most powerful earthquake ever recorded on Earth was in Valdivia , Chile occuring in 1960, it had a magnitude of 9.5. The damage caused by earthquakes also depend on their dept and fault type. The National Earthquake Information Center [NEIC] records an average of 20,000 earthquakes every year [about 50 a day] around the world.Earthquakes are usually 10 to 30 seconds long,



Created with images by marcellomigliosi1956 - "earthquake earthquake italy norcia"

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