
A Cut Away from the Rest Robert Young

A burlesque hidden gem tucked away on South Lincoln Street and just off of Kirkwood, the Foxhole's exterior betrays little of the commonalities that barbershops put on display. Its exterior design seems to draw more from the bar and grill playbook than that of a place to get a haircut. Luckily, patrons can enjoy the best of both worlds.
The first room upon entering the building is host to an array of game machines as seen above. While the room was empty upon my arrival, it was a welcoming spot to await an employee's assistance.
After informing Thomas, the bartender, that I was indeed a minor, I was heartily ushered into this comfortable lounge.
Thomas, the bartender, has been working at the Foxhole for 2 years. A former patron of the establishment, Thomas enjoyed the "vibe" of the bar-barbershop. When asked what his favorite part of working here was, he said "the chill environment, the clients, and just making people happy."
I was fortunate enough to run into Ash Vega, the founder and owner of the Foxhole, giving a customer a hair cut. Since 2010, she has been proud to maintain the very vibe that Thomas and her customers had grown to enjoy, as well as fostering an environment of camaraderie amongst her employees. She believes that her employees are not barbers or hair stylists, but rather "tailors" of hair.
Ash adds the finishing touches on a customer's new haircut. It was uncommon for him to go a minute without a smile of approval in the mirror at his new look.
On the way out, I ran into Ray, a loyal customer of the business. He has a great appreciation for the Ash and her staff, and proudly names the bar portion of the business as his favorite in the area.

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