Edward Theodore Gein By: Ashton Hartlage

Information Included:

  • Background
  • Description of Crimes
  • How to Better Solve the Crime
  • Applying the Information You've learned
  • Conclusion
  • Sources

Home and Family:

  • Born August 27 1906 in La Crosse, Wisconsin
  • Died July 26 1984 in Madison, Wisconsin
  • Edward was the son of a timid alcoholic father & a fanatically religious mother
  • Grew up with an older brother, named Henry

Edward's Hobbies & Creations

Ed Gein's "habit" of exhuming corpses and using the parts to make his own warped and disturbing creations was horrifying.

(props to his creativity though)

Ed Gein's Creations - aka Human Taxidermy:

  • bowls made from human skulls
  • belts made from ni@#%*s (keepin' it school appropriate)
  • chairs made of human flesh
  • masks made from at least 9 women

A Different way to solve the crime

The police were able to make a connection to Gein based on eye witness accounts and a receipt from the hardware store. Since Edward was clearly mentally unstable and was declared insane by a board of specialists at the state hospital, they deemed him unable to stand trial for the murders. Although in the end he did end up standing for trial and was convicted of murder.

The missing corpses were most likely a known problem and people would have known about it. To ensure that it didn't happen again, and that we'd catch the culprit I would have people watching the grave site(s).

Using the information I've learned to solve future crimes

The Ed Gein crimes have shown me:

  • every piece of evidence is important - even small ones
  • backgrounds and history can have a huge affect on people and their actions
  • witnesses can give you information that is extremely crucial to solving crimes





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Created By
Ashton Hartlage

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