Massachusetts Breaking news massachusetts is getting lots of trade power and many people are going with them. I think we should all come over and be the strongest colney


We don't have good land to farm so we traded more than farming. We would fish all day for are main food source. Are economic advantages are trade power,lumber and shipbuilding.

Map of Massachusetts colony



Shipbuilding is huge in are colony. Are main resource is timber and shipbuilding. The main business people do are fishing,shipbuilding and trade. The main stuff we trade is fish and timber.


Every day we went to school if we were kids but most of us will go fishing and do some shipbuilding to get money. The people that lived there were called the Separatists-Puritans and we took school very importunate.


This is what they look like. They all where different cloths.
  1. the religion that lived here is the purtin and for us we felt like god was not on are side. They did not tolerate other religions, No religions beliefs. Also we work with the natives but most of them died form diseases 90 percent died.


John Winthrop

Are leader were the best there names were John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley. The Separatists-Puritans found Massachusetts because he wanted regions freedom. We had a self governing government.

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