Q4 2016 Reporting Photoshop Elements social media

Results Overview



  1. Social universe has grown significantly due to high growth across all social channels (in particular Pinterest.)
  2. Total engagement is down due to fewer posts in Q4 2016 vs. Q4 2015.


  1. Move forward by using ‘Channel Helicopter Overview’ to measure overall social KPIs.
  2. In the future, measure engagements by engagement rate – not total engagements.


Organic Results

Organic Insights

  1. Engagement down due to larger promoted post budget in Q4 2015 which skewed that quarter’s organic engagement rate.
  2. Top performing content type is video.
  3. Top performing content buckets from this quarter were Fan Friday, Elements Creators content, Vacation Challenge, and Fill in the Blank.
  4. Lowest performing content was tutorial (owned and third party,) CCPp cross-promotions, and scrapbooking content.


  1. Encourage higher engagement by increasing use of strong CTAs, experimenting with new content buckets, and avoiding linked content when possible.
  2. Favoritize top performing content buckets and continue to test new content buckets.
  3. Pay close attention to CCPp cross-promotional content – i.e. travel performed well in previous quarters but this year’s food angle was not as well received.

Promoted Post Results

Promoted Post Insights

  1. A decrease in spend will reflect the decrease in total impressions.
  2. Engagement rate down due to two factors: Q4 2015 content was more compelling and more video content was used in Q4 2015.
  3. Increase in cost per result likely due to ad pacing.


  1. Depending on business objective, continue to optimize promoted posts in-line with business strategy (impressions vs. engagement vs. customer acquisition.)
  2. To increase engagement, utilize video content more, test new promoted post content buckets, and avoid using linked content where possible.
  3. Pace ads more effectively.


Organic Results

Organic Insights

  1. Twitter algorithm change (March 2016) decreased impressions overall.
  2. Increased engagement due to well-received content.
  3. Best performing content: photo and video content
  4. Least effective content: linked and status content (due to Twitter evolving into a visual platform.)
  5. Top performing content buckets: Vacation Challenge, Launch Content, Inspirational Content, and Pet Series
  6. Lowest performing content: Pinterest Cross-Promotion, Tutorials, and Fill in the Blank.


  1. Continue to monitor impression changes on Twitter.
  2. To increase engagement rate remain focused on tailoring content.
  3. Incorporate images in linked and status posts to boost their performance.
  4. Swap #TipTuesday content with another, more interactive content theme in addition to new content buckets.


Organic Results

Organic Insights

  1. Our decision to increase cadence, resulted in a large uptick in both impressions and engagement. The cross-promotions on social, blogger content, and reorganization of the Pinterest page have also contributed to this increase.
  2. Bloggers serving as contributors on DIY gift board boosted numbers across this channel
  3. Major return on investment on Pinterest resulting from minor tweaks in strategy.


  1. Pinterest remains a great platform for our audience. We will continue with the current cadence and look for new content buckets to explore and test in the coming months.
  2. Continue leveraging bloggers as board contributors for both the DIY gift board as well as other DIY photo boards.
  3. Find different ways to leverage our audience's presence on Pinterest beyond daily Pins and adding boards monthly.


Organic Results

Organic Results

  1. Average views were down this quarter due to native video posting across all channels - users didn't need to navigate to the YouTube channel in order to watch videos.
  2. Engagement rate increased significantly partially due to engaging blogger content on our channel.


  1. Moving forward, we will include a simple call to action linking to the appropriate YouTube playlist (e.g. Elements Creators, PSE 15 Tutorials) to drive more traffic to the YouTube page generally.
  2. We will continue adding video content to the YouTube channel in future blogger programs.

Viral Campaign Overview


Based on the knowledge that Photoshop Elements fans love sharing their memories on social, the objective of this program was to leverage the social circles of our bloggers' followers to expand awareness.


This campaign used in-product messaging and social channels to promote four blogger giveaways centered around holiday card creation using Photoshop Elements. In order to be entered to win, participants had to post their creation on social media using #ElementsCreators. Four blogger giveaways occurred in November and December. The winners were chosen by the bloggers and received a $100 TinyPrints gift card (each blogger chose three winners.)


  1. High barrier to entry negatively affected the number of giveaway entries (105.)
  2. This program generated high engagement on our channels and the bloggers' channels due to the high quality of the bloggers' content.
  3. We saw varying levels of participation on each blogger's channel due to differences in blogger audiences.


  1. For future giveaway campaigns aimed at leveraging followers' social universes, followers should be able to enter via additional means beyond sharing on social (potentially through an owned portal.) This lowers the barrier for entry while also reaching a broader audience.
  2. While the themed holiday/seasonal content performs well with our audience, moving forward, we would like to expand the themes to be broader (e.g. vacation photos, backyard photos, etc.)
  3. Research blogger audiences and participation levels when choosing future bloggers to host giveaways.

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