
Geography and Climate

Geography: no rivers, has the clearest waters in the world, worlds 3rd longest barrier reef

Climate: temp avg 70-75 between the months of September and may, northern islands are usually 5 degrees cooler than southern, rest of the yer is a bit warmer with higher humidity in the summer months and temperature between 80-85, night time temperatures are 5-7 degrees cooler and sea surface temperatures between 74 degrees n February and 84 degrees in august.

Popular Foods

seafood such as fish, shellfish, lobster, crab, and conch as well with tropical fruits, rice, peas, pigeon peas, potatoes, and pork

3 Bahama Recipes


They celebrate Christmas and New Years the same as us. The day after Christmas they have a holiday called "Boxing Day". Boxing Day is when they box up gifts and give them to service workers. Another holiday they celebrate is Indelendence Day which is celebrated on July 10th.

Popular Tour Destinations

Nassau, New Prodvidence Island

Freeport, Grand Bahama Island

Pradice Island, New Providence Island

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