Share what you learned about culture

What is culture?

You have an opportunity to do an extra credit assignment that demonstrates what you have learned about culture.

how do we develop our cultural lens?

You can choose to do this assignment or not, but if you do, you are expected to do your best. Points will only be rewarded for extra effort.

how does culture impact our lives?

Your task is to create a project like this one, using Adobe Slate. (You can also use Adobe Voice if you have an iPad)

what can we learn from other cultures?

Your assignment, due when you return from winter break, is to interpret the following quote and tell us how it applies to what you have learned about culture.

"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice,
there is little we can do to change,
until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds."

Be creative. Use a specific example(s) from real life. Think of topics we have discussed the last month.

Use terms from our Culture Unit.

To recap: create an Adobe Slate slideshow like this one that demonstrates what you learned about culture by interpreting the quote below. Keep it focused and simple!

"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.

And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice,

there is little we can do to change,

until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds."

Created By
Bob Manning


Created with images by US Army Africa - "Culture Day - Natural Fire 10 - Uganda, Africa - United States Army Africa - October 2009" • ganessas - "Different culture" • phonix2605 - "The Parade" • The Wandering Angel - "Together" • Labib_ittihadul - "ঘোড়া," • Christian Haugen - "Angkor WaAngkor Wat reflected in my sunglasses" • Dave_B_ - "Tango in La Boca" • Christopher.Michel - "laurel & hardy"

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