App Journal Fernando Ferreiro

1 App Journal

Apps are usually created to entertain, inform or to give help of some sort. Piano Tiles- Entertain YouTube- Inform/Entertain/Help Facebook- Inform WhatsApp- Contact PlayMusic- Entertain

2 App Journal

Calisthenics progression/ Language translator /How many _ have you eat/ Workout like a Superhero /Music for your tastes /Drawing tips

4 App Journal

App ranking in UI therms

1- You-Tube 2-Facebook, 3- Piano Tiles, 4- Whatsapp


App Journal: I think the onnes that stand out more importantly of my list of apps are the Calisthenics progression and the languaje one, because is something people struggle or need help on.


App Journal: The Calsithenics progression app will help on how to progress in this form of excercise at avery persosn´s pace, and shoowing the right technique, it needs to exist becasue a lot of people that do bodyweight only do the basics and then find it very difficult to progress to harder challenges and that limits their development. The Translator will help on ovbiously translating audios or words that someone writes or takes a pictrure of, it needs to exist because when traveling to other countries it might be difficult to understand some things.

7 Class Activity

App Journal: The most important apps I decided I have (Calisthenics and Languaje translator) will have Camera because fotos and/or videos will be needed. And Touchscreen scince they are pricipally directed to smarthphones. And the App of the project will have also those 2 features and a GPS.


App Journal: An app that helps other apps be successfull, an app for home security, an app to provide ideas, an app for finding related text or that can be compared (or movies and stuff), and of course my calisthenics progression app.


App Journal: Every idea I had for apps already existed in the app store, not quite as I imagined them, but close, the one I had more focus on, is the one I have sticked the hole time with: The progression Calisthenics Workouts, and I was happy to find that, while there are a lot of bodyweight apps out there, not one has the progression factor in your training on it.

9 Activity



App Journal:

Appealing Icon - Injustice, The icon is appealing because it shows the faces of characters we know and love, like Batman, Wonder Woman, The Joker, etc.

Get to the Action: An app that I feels get you right to it is piano tiles, in the main page you already have the option to either go to play, go the the list of songs, check you´r status, you´r lives, etc.

Tutorial: In this section I will use the same app as before, (Piano Tiles) because it is so easy that you don´t really need a tutorial to know what to do, is kind of natural, but it does have a short tutoring that indicates you need to tap the black tiles.

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