TERM 2 PROJECT by sara alnaimi and sara M. K.

Google Drive

Google Docs + Drive: #1-4

doc 1: google drive allow you to use apps online to share them and have people/friends to help you. For example you might be working on a slide, document or sheets but you might be needing help simply press the square button beside your account and you can use viarity of apps.

doc 2: Want to get started with Google Drive? Watch the video below to learn how.

doc 3:The process for creating new files is the same for all file types. Watch the video below to learn more.

doc 4: you can also upload files to your google drive and the amount of files you can upload are allowed to be upload because of the space in the google drive which is around 15GB. to know more about uploading file watch video below

Google Sheets: #8-9

doc 8: Watch the video below to learn how to navigate the Google Docs interface and set up your first document.

doc 9: typing/texting ways

in google doc,slides, and sheets if you need to copy, paste or cut you got to use kind of different buttons.

to insert special symbols just press insert in the google doc/slide/sheets and press it and then a menu will pop up and you do the rest.

Internet Safety - Introduction To Internet Safety, Avoiding Spam and Phishing, Creating Strong Passwords

spam and phishing: Watch the video below to learn more about spam and phishing.

creating a password: Watch the video below from Safety in Canada to learn more about creating a strong password.


what is sketch-up?

sketchup is an app that where you model buildings and etc. so what tools are there? here some and how to use them!

Google Sketchup - Using the rectangle, push up/down, navigation tools.

Press the trackpad on the shape you want to push or pull into three-dimensional form.

Click then push or pull the shape as desired. Click again.

Enlarge the object as much as wanted. Add more structure.

Play around with adding holes, windows or other elements by cutting out shapes within the 3D shape.

Make the rectangle/square as desired.

Click and enlarge the shape by using the trackpad.


You press wherever you want to move the frame to the point of view that you desire.


You can use this tool to zoom in closer.


This tool will help you to view around object and see how it look from all sides and view what you may need to edit.

Zoom Extents: is the first of view of the object/model for more explanations it’s like a view showing the object from the view of top to bottom to be fit to the screen size.

Google Sketchup - Using the pencil, move and eraser tools

Pencil: WHile using the pencil you can form lines wherever you might desire.

Move: its when you use the pencil to move the line up/down with the move tool.

Eraser: is to erase lines/objects/shapes to edit it when it’s erased

you can also make many other things after learning how to use these tools you can build like those houses:

Created By
Sara Al-Naimi

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