An Ideal Day in METRC Diversity in services

8:00 - a quiet space....

Starting the day with email help to a student using Screencastify followed by some grading using ActivelyLearn and lesson planning with GooseChase (thanks Twitter!) and Weebly for a Career Counseling course.

Actively Learn - students and instructors can have in-text conversations
Instructors can ask multiple choice and open-ended questions - Presenting to TELS on Friday
Using Weebly consistently to keep resources together and trying new tools like GooseChase for interactivity

9:30-10:15 Working with an MSL class on e-portfolios and e-readers

10:30 - Time to check in with the "Just READing" ELM students

Tweeting their experience and my K-2 picture book finds

11:00-12:00 Lunch with WCPSS district folks in library media and technology services to plan session for their annual Convergence conference and discuss tech trends/happenings in Wake County.

An afternoon of interrupted work on online modules and a follow-up PGU

Students needing help with edTPA video editing and submissions
Faculty members getting a new idea for data visualization - Piktochart!
Reminding students to collect data!

Graduate research modules - following up in-person when students need searching help and providing online assistance

2:00 - ECI Field Experience Meeting

How does instructional technology and school specialists fit into this college goal and state mandate?

4:30 - Master of School Administration - Educational Leadership Course

Created By
Kerri Brown Parker


All photos from the NC State College of Education METRC or screenshots

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