WindBlade CEE By: Snow White

Claim: The concept that was learned was that blades tilted at a angle produce more power.

Evidence: The data shows that our first prototype was not tilted at a angle and had a power of 0.10 watts. Our second prototypes was tilted half way ( about 30 % degrees ) and have a power of 0.17 watts.

Explanation: The reasons why when the blades is tilted at an angle produce more power is because the wind can pass through the blades and the blades spin faster causing the blades to produce more power. Newton's third laws stated that for every action , there is an equal and opposite reaction. The action of the wind pushes the air against the blades causes the reaction of the blade bing pushed. If the blade had no angle the blades will simply be pushes backward.

Source: Wind Engineering Resources in Schoology

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