Nature Activity: Butterfly Exhibit ALly chamberlin

The Butterfly Exhibit was set up so that visitors could walk through and see different types of butterflies while learning about things like their habitats and feeding habits. The design was appealing because the pathway through the exhibit had benches and signs explaining facts about the butterflies so visitors could stop and enjoy the scenery or learn more about the animals. The atmosphere was relaxing and serene and I enjoyed being able to take my time and observe the butterflies.
The Natural History Museum provides visitors with the opportunity to experience and admire the beauty of nature. The Butterfly Exhibit allows visitors to sit and let the butterflies take over the environment and makes them reflect on how humans impact these animals and their environments. Being able to see the butterflies close-up in their natural setting made me feel an appreciation for nature and these animals and realize that they are more important to our world than we think. I could tell that the other people in the exhibit felt the same way as me by how they sat and admired the butterflies and seemed interested to learn about them. Being close to nature made me realize that humans do have an ethical responsibility to protect and preserve it and treat animals and their environments, no matter how small, with love and respect.
Taking a trip to the Natural History Museum and the Butterfly Exhibit is no something that I would normally do out of desire or pleasure. However, the experience of going to the butterfly exhibit was a way for me to try something new and different from my daily activities and gave me a break from my sometimes monotonous schedule. Going to the butterfly exhibit and feeling connected to nature made me reflect on what those things meant to me and how I interacted with the natural world on a daily basis. Gaining knowledge about nature and feeling inspired by its beauty reminds me to appreciate the natural world more and that it is something that must be cared for and treasured.

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