Tea and Tree Day retreat at The Heron centre

Back by popular request, a day retreat exploring the Art of Tea and the Art of Bonsai.

September 3rd

Arriving from 9:30am for a 10:00am start the day will follow a similar format to the previous event with a morning on Bonsai and an afternoon exploring tea with mediation setting the tone before each event.

Peter Chan - Bonsai Master

Prabhasrava - Tea introducer

Triratna East Surrey Buddhism and Meditation Group

The Heron Centre

Due to the nature of this event there is a charge of £49, however, for those with limited finances the T.E.S. Bursary fund is available to assist.

Spaces are limited so if you want to avoid disappointment you know what to do. Please bring a vegetarian lunch to share.

The day will conclude no later than 4:30pm.

Don't miss out on the fun!

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