The Waiting Book Review By: ashley, mms

She was waiting to marry him "Ben" but it turns out she's going to marry someone else. In the book The Waiting, By Suzanne Woods Fisher, Jorie is a young woman that has loved Ben since she was a little kid. She and Ben were in a relationship. She wanted to marry him, but he said he still wasn't ready to get married. After a while he went to war, so his brother Caleb "Cal" then started liking Jorie. Then he asked her to marry him.

My favorite part was is when Ben and Cal were arguing over Jorie. That was my favorite part because Ben was smirking while telling him that he was going to buy a house and live with her. Cal was telling him that he couldn't do that because he still wasn't in the church.

This book's greatest value is that it makes you want to sit in your seat and keep reading. That's its greatest value because," it sometimes has a cliffhanger but sometimes it just has a lot of details

Furthermore I think this book is trying to teach you that even if have little faith you can go through tough times.

Amish Fiction lovers will love this book because it is filled with a young woman's plain faith. When Ben came after war Cal had to tell Ben that he asked Jorie to marry him.

Created By
Ashley Paguada


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