The rabbit on the moon A folktale

A long time ago, an Aztec God in the form of a man had been walking for a very long time across mountains and deserts. He was very tired and hungry.

He stranded himself in the depths of a forest. There he gave a start to a fire and decided he would rest.

He fell fast asleep, the animals of the forest had heard about the God being in the forest and decided to help him out.

The squirrel took nuts, the mouse took seeds and the bear took berries, but the rabbit didn't have anything.

They huddled around the God and each presented they're offerings. Thankful the God accepted their offerings. The rabbit hopped towards him ashamed and murmured "I haven't got much but I offer myself" then the rabbit jumped into the ferocious fire.

Moved by the noble offering God elevated her to the face of the moon , then whispered, “You may be just a rabbit, but everyone will remember you; there is your image in light, for all people and for all times.”

Created By
Alondra Escobedo


Created with images by stux - "moon cypress mountains"

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