Monica´s Goals English 2 P.2


-Semester goal-

Before the semester ends, I want to be one of the best runners on the (freshmen) track team. Either the 100 meter or 200 meter dash, with decent times of at least 10 through 11 seconds. To do this I will practice my form and run long distances to increase my stamina for my sprints.


-English Goal-

An English goal I want to accomplish is to stay on top of my work and not procrastinate. Also to remember that I have work to do rather than go on my phone or long board and push all that I need to do in the back of my mind. In order to do this when get home I´ll do my work and try too understand what ever I don´t understand.


-High school Goal-

My High school goal is to finish my 4 years with at least an advance diploma. I´ll be the first to get an advance diploma in my family. To do this I will meet all requirements to get this diploma.


-After high school goal-

After High School my goal is to get into CCAD or Columbus College of Arts and Design. By doing that I'll get a scholarship in arts and practice what I want to do in the college. (One of the colleges I really like). But I college is really expensive so its wise to save up for it.


-Personal Growth-

For my personal growth I´m going to learn how to use charcoal art and use a drawing tablet. I don´t have what I need to practice this but I´ll save up for the supplies and work for them.



Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "kermit cup drink coffee" • Unsplash - "running sprint athlete" • lorenzocafaro - "correcting proof paper" • cocosa007 - "graduation square academic cap the last" • ColumbusCameraOp - "CCAD" • KyleBGalleries - "SilentAuction1" • KyleBGalleries - "cityscape-cafe" • KyleBGalleries - "Olivia-12x18" • Briend - "20130612-20mins" • Briend - "20130612gestures" • Unsplash - "paint painting pigment" • cuibonobo - "Sketch03" • stevepb - "graphics tablet wacom photoshop"

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