Ethical System By: mallory Wyatt

In a world full of ethical choices, one must choose the process of how he himself will make these choices.

This is how I make my choices.

My system is fairly "simple." I say this because it is the Divine Command Theory almost entirely. In my system you trust God and do exactly what He says.

However, just like any other ethical system, there are some gray areas that my system covers. In the gray areas I go to Value Ethics. I ask myself how Jesus would handle the situation.

I also use a bit of Deontology because I ask myself "What is my duty to The Lord and the people around me?" Along with that I also think of possible outcomes.

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. " -1 Corinthians 10:13

I believe you can make any ethical decision with the Bible. Yes, there will be gray areas, but in those look at the character of Jesus, look at your heart, and look at how you will effect those around you.

My ethical System first begins with Divine Command Theory because I ask myself what the Bible says. Then my system goes to Value Ethics because I want to know how Jesus will handle the situation. Next I ask myself what my duty is to others, which is Deontology. I also ask myself if I would like others to do this to me, also Deontology. Then I think about possible outcomes, Utilitarianism.

Because of my system, I must say that the man in the ethical scenario is in the wrong. Why? The Bible says not to steal, Jesus would have trusted, he had a duty to abide by the law (follow the laws of the land -Romans 13), and he had no idea what the outcome would be. I can not judge this mans heart, but in my own eyes, which means nothing in the grand scheme of things, he is in the wrong.

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