Period 2 black team GoKart

For our gokart we started of with dediegning the body and getting a smaller prototype to model what we are looking for

As showed in the picture above we decided to go with a more hour glass design to make our gokart look more cool and sleek

In this picture above, we researched ideas on how we were going to make the steering system

We also researched a way to make the wheels, we came up with a way to have the wheels put together by using a rod. The zip ties shows that the rod is connected to the whole that will be put onto the body of the GoKart. But we weren't too hooked on that idea.

Once we got our design down we had to figure out the detentions that would best fir the gokart together

Each member of our group had to design a single part of the gokart and put it on onshape. The part you see above is the from axle where the front wheels will allow you to turn

Once you have made your part you would have to assble it onto an assembly where all your partners parts were put and assembled on to one

Once we had our design built on onshape we had a smaller prototype of the base and wheels with the laser. This gave us an idea of what we need to fix and what would work or not before building the actual size GoKart

We got our wood pieces cut out so and started putting pices of it together

This piece in the front of the gokart shows the way we decided to have the wheels turn. We decided to have a medal rod go through the wood on each end of the wood blocks with a built in the middle that goes through both the body and the wood piece of the front axles

The bottom picture is something we researched to make our gokart look like . The top picture is our front axle park where we are trying to use strong to wrap around a PBC pipe as it shows in the design we researched

As I work do. The front axle , my partners were dismantling a bike that we would get the wheels, gears, and chain from to make the back of the gokart

Just like on a regular bike we are going to use the chain as intended for a bike but the only difference is that it will be powered by a drill.

This is. Research picture that we are trying to model after that shows the drill powering the the chain that will move the gokart

In this picture it shows the parts of the throttle that my partner jasper is working on using springs in between each paddle

For our breaking system we plan on using a hand break so that it can be easier to break . We only have this as an idea because we want to finish on the starting and motor first

Created By
Brandon Dennis

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