
Chapter 7: Self-Assessment 13.3 Path-Goal Styles


Each chapter contains a Leadership Instrument based on some of the theory presented in the unit chapter(s). Complete the relevant instruments as directed and write an interpretation of your results.

The purpose of this self-assessment is to:

  • Identify your path–goal styles of leadership.
  • Examine how your use of each style relates to other styles of leadership.

Unit Learning Outcomes

  • Illustrate the importance of leading through obstacles (CLO 5).
  • Recognize common team obstacles (CLO 5 and CLO 6).
  • Examine the role of leaders, followers, and the context in toxic/destructive leadership (CLO 2, CLO 3, and CLO 5).


The most possible points will be given to an original analysis that includes:

  • Responses that are fully developed (this includes a brief discussion of the topic of the instrument, the instrument scores/findings, interpretation of those scores/findings, and how you might use that information to develop your skills through a self-reflection).
  • Responses that demonstrate a familiarity with the related materials and topics being referenced in the analysis and chapter(s) by referencing readings to examine the results of the data gathered and interpret the findings according to the relevant theory.
  • Responses that are well-formatted and organized.

Length: Analysis should be 1 page in length (typed and double spaced).

All cited material must include both internal citations and a complete reference list at the end of the paper.


  • Complete the assessment by clicking the button below and analyze your findings.
  • After completing the Path-Goal Styles Questionnaire, compare your scores for the four types of path–goal leadership (directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented) to determine which style is your strongest and which is your weakest.

DUE DATE: Submit by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.


Created with images by Yukie Emiko - "Mayana peak" • Dan DeAlmeida - "untitled image" • Tim Swinehart - "untitled image" • carolyn christine - "inspirational journal"