Counter-Strike : Global Offensive Be Skilled or be Killed

32 Total maps

This is an example of de_dust2 looks like

Counter-Strike : Global Offensive has 32 maps in total it includes : de_dust2, de_inferno, de_cache, de_cobble, de_train and a lot of other maps.

Play matchmaking and try to get the highest rank

The list of ranks

The highest rank in matchmaking is Global Elite Try to get there and most player who got there are players with 1.000 hours lets see if you could beat them and get there below 1.000 hours.

Play with your friends

You could play with your friend by making a lobby its pretty simple all you need to do is to click play and then click on Play with friends enjoy playing with your friends.

U Don't need to buy anything to get better

Buying something in Counter-Strike : Global Offensive is optional and if you want to buy something u could but if you don't thats okay because buying a Skin doesn't effect gameplay and only effect the color of the gun.

Buying skins ARE OPTIONAL

M4A4 - Asiimov

I wouldn't recommend buying skins because it doesn't effect gameplay at all.

Buy now at the price of $14.99

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