Great Living "Have a good time"

In Great living: rules, and jobs are fun and good for the wild life.

What we want to happen: when an animals dies or gets killed you will have a scanner and scan an animal and then send it to the clone factory where it will be cloned and released into the out side world. This means that you could kill 1 million of the animal and not danger it's population. It will also get everyone exercise so you wouldn't have people who were obese. It will be a Democracy, and all the jobs are going to do with something outside. Every family would have their own log cabin in the forest. It would be 4,000 square miles of forest. It isn't just animals it is also fish but they do the same process as the animals. This is what we hope to happen in Great Living


Always have a plan

Always tell where you are going

you have to be outside for at least 10 hours a day

No liying or fighting

You have to work 40-60 hours a week

You have to live with your family till you are 20

No getting extra food

contribute to wildlife

Report if someone doing something wrong

Have Fun

Homes they would be in.


Created with images by keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range" • skeeze - "elk bull wildlife" • tpsdave - "log cabin cottage house"

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