Miracle On 49th Street Book Review By: zoli, mms

Have you ever had to go on without something in your life but once you find that one thing it doesn’t come so easy?

In Mike Lupica’s Miracle on 49th Street there’s a girl named Molly who is Josh Cameron’s daughter he doesn’t know about. Molly wanted Josh Cameron (her dad) to believe her that she was his daughter.

My favorite part was when Molly was ice skating and Josh came to watch and eventually join in, it was so heart-warming to see a memory come back to life with another generation. The ice rink they were at was the same place where Molly’s mom and dad (Josh) went ice skating and had a very memorable time.

In my opinion the greatest value of the book is that a sports star like Josh Cameron still has time for his daughter as well as his career. Josh goes to his basketball games and practices but he also, after the game or the next day go get ice cream or just hangs out with Molly.

The life lesson i got from this book is to never let people make your decisions be your own person. What happened in the book was that Josh’s manager said and made decisions about Molly and Josh’s relationship and didn’t run it by josh because, Josh had his manager talk for him all the time because he was a super star basketball player.

As a result this book taught me to never give up or assume things will happen the way you think they will. People who love sad stories turning into loving and happy stories will fall in love with this book!

Created By
Zoli Khalil


Created with images by matuska - "book paper printed book" • mikaro95 - "sport basketball basket" • bigbirdz - "Snow" • Daquella manera - "Ice Rink" • Joe Shlabotnik - "Bryant Park"

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