The 3 Agricultural Revolutions By COLE RONALLO

The First Agricultural Revolution

The First Agricultural Revolution started in 2000 BC. This revolution caused people to slowly go from hunting and gathering to the domestication of plants and animals. This changed the way humans live because they could control their food and didn't have to fight for it. With the control over the food this made people settle in areas and people started to make cities, and economies started growing.

This is a map that shows where each agricultural hearth is. The 5 agricultural hearths are Mesoamerica, Nile Valley, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, Huang He River Valley.
This map shows the areas where the 5 agricultural hearths are and it shows the first types of crops grown in those areas.

The Second Agricultural Revolution

The second agricultural revolution occurred from 1700 to 1900 this revolution occurred at the same time as the industrial revolution and this is why mechanization was a major role in this revolution. This changed the way people farmed because in the first revolution people used hand held tools like hoes and shovels, and then people started making things like the plow, horse collar, and the seed drill to make farming a lot more efficient.

John deere created the steel plow in 1837 to make hoeing a lot easier.
The horse collar and seed drill were made around 1701 to make farming a lot more efficient.

The Third Agricultural Revolution

The third agricultural revolution started not to long ago and is currently going on. In this agricultural revolution farming has started to change a lot with new gas and diesel tractors that make it so you can have less laborers but have increased land sizes. Farming nowadays is so much more efficient because its been taken to a whole new level with the major increase of scientific farming methods, chemical applications, and biotechnology. With all this increase in mechanization farmers now rely way more on petroleum. The Green revolution was farmers and scientists trying to genetically modify crops to end hunger. An example of an outcome from this was miricale rice that could be made very easy and could feed lots of people.

This picture shows what farming looks like today. In this picture you can see many big diesel tractors driving through a huge field filling giant trailers full of wheat.
This is a map that shows what types of crops are commercially grown across the globe.

What are GMOs?

Genetically modified organisms are crops or animals that scientists change certain traits of the crop or animal so it grows bigger and faster. This made farming a lot easier because crops don't need to be tended to as much and animals can grow a lot faster and fatter. the pros and cons of GMOs are they can grow faster and there is not as much work involved, but some kinds can be bad for people's health, and also animals get way too big and die.

Genetically modified corn.


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