Endless Beach There is always the beach...

At Endless Beach, citizens will lose and find themselves all at once. With plenty of beautiful beaches, we ensure relief of stress and lots of relaxation. There will also be plenty of time at the beach and in the ocean!

Our Motto: There is always the beach...

Endless Beach Seal

A pineapple is a symbol of welcome, and all are welcome to Endless Beach. A palm branch from a palm tree symbolizes victory and triumph.

Membership Policy and Community Rules

1. Citizens must get and education.

2. Citizens from age 16 until they are unable to must work a minimum of 1 hour to a maximum of 4 hours every day. (Except for days that it is not required.)

3. There is no littering or harming the environment in any way allowed.

4. Spiders, flies, or any creepy bugs are not allowed and must be reported immediately. Or clowns.

5. Each citizen must spend at least 2 hours a day at the beach.

6. Everyone must eat lots of chocolate, pineapples, cupcakes, salsa, guacamole, Mexican food, and Italian food.

7. Citizens are not allowed to steal, cheat, or hurt others.

8. Everyone must watch "La La Land" at least 6 times yearly.

9. Everyone must eat at Las Brisas at least twice monthly.

Chips and Guacamole from Las Brisas

10. Everyone has to do at least 2 activities at the beach weekly. (like boating, surfing, etc.)

Endless Beach will be located along the coast of California from about Los Angeles to San Diego, and inland a little bit. This is the location because they have Las Brisas (the restaurant) there, and a nickname for Los Angeles is La La Land!!! There is also lots of beaches, which is perfect for this utopia.

Daily Schedule

A typical day for a member of my community wouldn't have a lot of things regulated by the government. They would get to choose what time they do everything. Some things regulated by the government would be how many hours must be spent at the beach, how many times "La La Land" has to be watched in a year, or how every citizen has to get an education.

A typical day would be: Wake up and eat breakfast, go to the beach, and work in the morning. Then they would eat lunch, do an activity like boogie boarding at the beach, and do other things at the beach in the afternoon. After that, they would eat dinner at Las Brisas, go home and watch "La La Land" while they ate good food, then they would go to the beach again, and go to bed between 10:00 and 12:00.

The types of government will be Republic and Democracy. The leaders will be elected by the citizens, and there will be a President. There won't be someone with unlimited power, and there will be other people to regulate and limit the power of the President. The President has to have been a citizen of Endless Beach for at least 10 years, and to have held an office in the government before.

Have you ever wanted to live at the beach? To be free from stress and be able to relax for once? In Endless Beach, plenty of relaxation, stress-relief, and time at the beach are ensured. There is no escape as calming and beautiful as the beach, and with plenty of these, citizens are sure to have an amazing experience living here. With the relief of stress that comes from spending time at the beach, any work that citizens have to do will come without the stress. And with the many activities that can be done at the beach, such as walking, surfing, and boating, citizens will never get bored. But above all is the relaxation and happiness that comes with hearing the waves crash on the shore or seeing the beautiful sunsets. If you are looking for endless happiness, come live at Endless Beach.

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