Are Mobile Phones Dangerous?

Phone addiction is a serious matter with negative physical side effects.

Poor sleep is a common side effect of phone addiction.

Poor eyesight can also occur from prolonged phone usage.
Addiction to mobile phones can begin in very early ages, causing antisocial behavior, sleep deprivation, and other unfavorable consequences.
Parents are responsible for teaching children how to use technology properly and in moderation.

Children will be less vulnerable to phone addiction if they are encouraged to participate in other activities.

Letting children socialize with other children is a great substitute to letting children play games on mobile phones.

Created By
Brendon Campbell


Created with images by chefranden - "Sisters on the Phone" • Jangra Works - "Handcuff and Locked With Smart Phone" • ** RCB ** - "going backwards" • KAesguerra - "Glasses" • r.nial.bradshaw - "child-girl-screen-time.jpg" • r.nial.bradshaw - "150914-surfing-smartphone-screentime-girl.jpg" • Saucy Salad - "North Easterly" • ThomasKohler - "Motorola" • jugendweihebb - "child soap bubbles play outside" • Pexels - "children cute fun"

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