A Day in My Life By Georgia White

This is an average day in my life. AVERAGE ONLY. Do not judge me.

YAWN! Good morning. What did I say about judging.
I love clothes as you should be able to see, if you cant get your eyes checked.
breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
My dog does not like my brother
Scratch that, my dog doesn't like me, AAAHHHHHH!
My ride to school. #selfie
Astoria Middle School, AKA amazingness.

The beautiful building is the front of my school, Astoria Middle School.

The halls, AKA torture.
Mr. Pirece my choir teacher.
The Wall of Hands. Just kidding, that's just another wall in the choir room.

The picture surrounding this box is of my choir.

Ms. R's 2nd period, oh no.
3rd period with Mrs. Kaul, more oh no's.
I bet you the students are thinking "Boring." because this is Math class.
Yeah, we got to watch "A Bug's life" deal with it!
The Cafeteria. Dun dun dun, and my fellow 6th graders.
My favorite teacher, Mr. Abbate in my 6th period class.
7th period tech class. With Mr. Abbate, again he's my favorite teacher.

Finally school's over. Finally. Free time galore.

My walk up to the buses.
It gets really crowded.
The people on and inside of my bus.

Yeah I take the bus home, I told you not to judge me!

The first things I see when I get home: my puppy dog Bandit and his house.
My brother Everett. He would not willingly let me get a photo of him so, voila.
My backyard and porch, F.W.I. my yard is really 15 acres.
I read for about an hour after my dinner
Ger. My little brother Everett got in my shot. Oh and this is my house.
I <3 this photo

I hope you liked my average day. Oh and if you think that was crazy, you should see a special(er) day in my life.

<3 Georgia White

Created By
Georgia White

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