Globe Theatre Alyssa Brooks // period 6


The Globe Theatre has improved performances today through its history, entertainment, and appearances.


The Globe Theatre is an important source of entertainment where people can experience the joy, drama, and excitement the performances gives.

Quote #1:

"Today, the re-invention of the Globe Theatre, using the original design as re-conceived by archaeologists and theatre scholars, serves as one of the most popular tourists sites in London, and houses re-staged versions of many Elizabethan plays" (Unknown).

Commentary #1:

Back in the day, the Globe Theatre was super popular and would easily get packed. Still to this day, there are various number of tourists to visit the theater to where William Shakespeare had once produced his plays.

The Globe Theatre has been rebuilt numerous of times. But, it finally came through an is officially opened in 1997 til today. It is often used as a scenery, or an event that tourists would visit. Shakespeare's Globe has welcomed visitors from all over the world to take part in workshops, lectures and staged readings; to visit the exhibition and tour the Globe Theatre, and to watch productions, ranging from original practices to world premieres of new writing and the first play by a woman ever to be performed here.

Quote #2:

"In 1613, the Globe burned down. It was rebuilt on the same foundation and reopened in 1614. The Globe was shut down in 1642 and torn down in 1644. A reconstruction of the theater was completed 200 yards (183 meters) from the original site in 1996, and it officially opened in 1997" (Seidel).

Commentary #2:

The Globe Theatre was often rebuilt numerous amount of time to make it better and able to fit more people.

Everyone had their doubts about the theater money-wise, however, Shakespeare showed everyone how successful he made the Globe Theatre.

Quote #3:

"He thus became part of the first group of actor-sharers to also be theater owners. Although this arrangement meant considerable financial risk, it also promised to be profitable if the new theater was a success" (Seidel).

Commentary #3:

William Shakespeare made a deal with a group of people, promising that the Globe Theatre would be a hit no matter the circumstance.


The Globe Theatre was used from the timbers of James Burbage's theatre in which he named the Theatre. The Globe was very large where it could fit a majority of people.

Quote #1:

"The Globe was round or polygonal on the outside and probably round on the inside. The theater may have held as many as 3,000 spectators. Its stage occupied the open-air space, with a pit in front for standing viewers. The stage was surrounded by several levels of seating" (Seidel).

Commentary #1:

The Globe Theatre was several feet tall, most people had to be seated along the sides of the theater. It was believed that the higher the seat the better you can hear the play.

"In this kind of theater, the audience once again sits on three or even four side s of the stage" (Anderson 780).

When we think a stage, we think lots of stage lights, right? Well back then, the Globe Theatre did not have a roof so most of the plays were held at noon when the sun is the brightest.

"Since the stage was open to the sky, there was no need for stage lighting. there were very few sets (scenery, furniture and so on)" (Anderson 779).


For the majority of plays hosted at the Globe Theatre were written by William Shakespeare. Some examples of his most favorable plays were Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Tweflth Night, Othello, and Macbeth.

Quote #1:

"Most of the great English playwright William Shakespeare's plays were first presented at the Globe. The brothers Cuthbert and Richard Burbage constructed the theater in 1599 from the timbers of London's first playhouse, called The Theatre" (Seidel).

Commentary #1:

William Shakespeare's plays were mostly performed at a playhouse which is called The Theatre. Which, was later then used its timber to build the Globe Theatre.

Macbeth was one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It told the story about a brave Scottish general named Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the Scottish throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia.

Quote #2:

"Detailed description of each act with translations and explanations for all important quotes. The next best thing to an modern English translation" (Unknown).

Commentary #2:

It is clear that the play, Macbeth, was a hit.

Another example of a great play was Othello. Othello was a tragic play favored by many. It regards the love that turned bad by unfounded jealousy.It begins in Venice with Iago, a soldier under Othello's command arguing with Roderigo, a wealthy Venetian. Roderigo has paid Iago a considerable sum of money to spy on Othello for him, since he wishes to take Othello's girlfriend, Desdemona, as his own.

Quote #3:

"The most striking difference between Othello and Shakespeare's other tragedies is its more intimate scale. The terror of the supernatural is not invoked, as it is in Hamlet and Macbeth; extremes of psychological derangement, as in King Lear, are not present. Kingdoms are not at stake, and the political consequences of the action are not emphasized as they are in varying degrees in all of the other tragedies. Here, Shakespeare focuses on personal rather than public life" (Unknown).

Commentary #3:

Othello was very successful in the end.

And always, the classic tragedy known as Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet was a classic tragedy in which told the story about the young couple who are in love. Unfortunately,each families hated one of another and would forbid their love which results in them committing suicide instead of living without each other.

Quote #4:

"No one ever tires of “Romeo and Juliet,” a tale of young love thwarted by poor choices, bad luck, and warring families" (Unknown).

Commentary #4:

This tragedy was enjoyed by many people with the drama and the capability to relate towards the young audience, like teenagers.


Works Cited:

Anderson, Robert. “Shakespeare and His Theater ; A Perfect Math.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 778-80.

Commentary Othello.


“Globe Theatre.” World Book,


Romeo and Juliet.


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