Bulletin 21 Civitas Academy

Well what a fantastic end to the term!

We celebrated in style for our grand opening!

We hope you enjoy the cake?!!

Well done to all those who have come home with 100% Attendance certificates. These children have come to school every day this term. We know if your child comes to school on time and every day that it will have a better impact on your child's education.

Over the holidays please read at least three times and record it in the reading record.

Next term Reception will be learning about the Jungle and in Year 1 they will be doing the project 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers'

Please make sure the year 1 trip letter is back to school by the second payment date. If you need a new copy of this letter then please email the office and Mrs Newman can email one.

We loved having so many parents and family members stay for project celebration this term! Thank you for coming and finding out what your child has been learning and celebrating their successes.

We will not be having a drop in at drop off next term as we start the term with parents evening. Letters for a time slot will come home in book bags in the first week back. This is a time for parents to meet with your child's teacher to find out how to support your child in their learning.

Event dates are on the website and lots of other information about our school policies and curriculum.

The teachers will write a termly newsletter informing you exactly about the skills being taught and the learning that will happen in our project based curriculums.

See you on Monday 20th February where we will be looking forward to the start of the new term.

Be safe and have fun!!

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