Module 1 Spark "you don't have to be good at it or know the people, you just have to love the music and want to have a good time" - Samantha Baida, week 1 Padlet

Everything has a story, and every story has a beginning, middle, and end. Although dance does not have an end and is still on going today and will forever be going on. Module 1 certainly covered the beginning of dance. Dance has served many purposes from the start; religious purposes, spiritual purposes, ritual purposes, and many more. I believe even within all of these styles and reasons to dance there is always joy. From all of our readings within this module, I've concluded that everyone dances with passion - whether that being passion for dance itself or passion for what they are dancing to create. Dance is always very passion filled and emotional.

An example of dancing for joy would be "the Hopis did mystery plays which were dances for fun that men and women could both take part in and express themselves for others." (Samantha Baida, Week 2 Padlet). On the topic of dancing for fun, I really liked what Lauren Reeves said on our week 1 padlet, "When I think of dance, I think of having so much emotion that the only way to is to literally allow it to take over your entire body."

On the bibliography, Makayla Shapiro shared an article titled, "Music and Dance as a Whole" which explains how music really helps bring dance together creating the bigger picture.When music and dance are brought together the performance is more powerful which makes it more enjoyable for the performer themselves and whomever is watching. "In fact, according to Dewey, the eye and the ear complement one another in terms of perception, creating an illusion of oneness (Dewey, 1987). On one hand, music performance may be considered as a kind of dance, usually performed by the instrumentalist's arms, hands and fingers; on the other, dancers may be considered as percussionists making music by means of the beat of their feet." (Marisi, Rossella. Review of Artistic Education) I really liked this excerpt from the article because I think it helps express the power dance holds from two different senses. People are able to appreciate the power of dance not just from their eyes but their ears too.

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As I am reflecting upon this past module reviewing everything I have turned in for this module I have noticed a theme and that theme is power, the power dance has. For my share of the bibliography I shared an article titled Ritual Dances from the Folk Music Journal by Lucile Armstrong. The opening sentence in the article is so important to my point, "Ritual dances were evolved for a purpose." (Armstrong, Lucile, Ritual Dances). Armstrongs whole point of her article is the purposes ritual dances had and how people have solved things by dancing. Dances were so powerful that they danced for anything from natural disasters to needing food or even fertility.

In The Body Speaks On Sin- The Voice of Dance in the Middle Ages dance is described as the voice from the soul within. The body is our tool to help express ourselves and ways our words can not. People like to express themselves in different ways. "In other words, gestures silently voice the changing values of a social system, and the acceptable bodily movements in a society reveal that society’s moral structure.This value of gestures reveals the fact that “[t]he human body was of greatest importance in medieval society and culture” (Schmitt 60)". Dancing when it first became a thing (even though it's always been a thing, just as it became more prominent in new cultures and societies I am saying) changed life for people. Dance gave people a voice they didn't know they had because suddenly they had a new way to express themselves and make stuff happen.

To conclude my page I would like to end with this quote from The Politics of Ballet at the Court of Louis XIV, "It is a world of illusion and al-lusion, of spectacle and symbol, of marvel and mystery." The one thing every article I have read can agree upon is the magic and power dance holds.


Armstrong, Lucile. “Ritual Dances.” Folk Music Journal, vol. 3, no. 4, 1978, pp. 297–315. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Baida, Samantha. “Week 2 Padlet.” Canvas,

Baida, Samantha, and Lauren Reeves. “Week 1 Padlet.” Canvas,

Hudler, Melissa. “Interdisciplinary Humanities.” The Body Speaks On Sin- The Voice of Dance in the Middle Ages, Lamar University, pp. 20–29.

Marisi, Rossella. "MUSIC AND DANCE AS A WHOLE." Review of Artistic Education, no. 7, 2014, pp. 26-33, Education Database,

Prest , Julia. “Chapter 11 .” The Politics of Ballet at the Court, pp. 229–240.


FROM ADOBE - Created with images by Khorzhevska - "young beautiful dancer teen girl dancing and jumping, studio ser" • Nikita - "Dance class for women" • Anna & Michal - "Balinese dance legong, Ubud Palace, 2013"

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