Mackenzie Ziegler SingEr

Mackenzie Ziegler


Birthday: 6-4-04

Dancer, Actor, Singer

Born in Pittsburgh Philadelphia

Living in Los Angles

Siblings: One older brother and sister, Tyler and Maddie

Step siblings: One older brother and sister, Michele and Mathew

Parents: Melissa and Doug

Step parents: Greg

P1. Of course, you would Know Mackenzie Ziegler for her dancing but she does way more than that. In her childhood, she danced for Abby Lee Miller and was in a lot of music videos. From here on, Mackenzie, also known as Mack Z, is now focusing more in her music. The first song that she has writing is, “It's A Girl Party”. She wrote that song because her and her friends were never able to do anything fun besides dance and all the wanted to to go out and have some fun together. Reasons being, their teacher Abby didn't want the doing anything like a music video cause she didn't want any of them to get hurt

The girls during the girl party music video.

With that being said, her top hit song is “Shine” which is about her wanting to get the chance to be herself on stage because everyone compares her to her older sister Maddison. In the song, it says “ Someday the chance will finally be mine, to shine!” She watches Maddie succeed is almost everything she does and that's what Mackenzie wants is to Shine in everything she does. Maddie stars in so many music videos, tv shows, magazines and Mackenzie sometimes feels that no one knows her for who she really is. Mackenzie is in some tv shows but not as many as maddie is. Mackenzie has been on Dance Moms, Nicky, Ricky, Dick, and Dawn, and she modals for Ralph Lauren. Once she started making music videos and writing songs, people start to know who she really is!

Her hit song

Unfortunately, Mackenzie's life used to be all about dancing but now it's all about singing and music. Fun Fact, Kenzie didn't want to dance when she was 6 but the more she danced, the more she liked it. Her phrase was that all she wanted to do is stay home and eat chips. She started taking music lessons at her dance studio when she was 7. Her mom would hire someone to work with Mackenzie while she had her break. The first song that she wrote came out on November 21st 2014 and right after that came out,she went straight to writing another song. Some people think that Mack Z should stop singing because it wreak she life of dance.

Voice lessons


Fairy tale
Flip out
I'd rather be dancing
Cause you believe
Whatever boys can do
Play nice
Dream time

"Mackenzie Ziegler - Dance Moms Facts." Google Sites. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

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