
Term 3a, week 1 So, a new term begins!

To begin the new term, we have started our new class reader- Song of the Dolphin Boy.

It is set in a small fishing village in Scotland called Stromhead.

We started to build our geographical knowledge by locating the world’s oceans on a world map.

First, we had a go ourselves to locate them using the knowledge we already have and then we used atlases to locate them accurately- some of us were pretty accurate!

We then decided, using our reading, to locate the fictional fishing village from our story and we placed this on a map of the UK.

Since Song of the Dolphin Boy is centred around the sea, we decided to create some seascape art using pastels.

Mrs Hodgson helped us to build our skills in doing this.

Next week we are going to continue our seascapes and also research the world’s oceans to find out which sea creatures live where.