INFJ Sarah James

Introvert: They are mistaken for extroverts on occasion because they are so genuinely interested in other people. However, they are introverts who can be very emotionally-intimate. On occasion, they will withdraw and shut everyone out for a period of time.

Intuitive: They tend to act on impulse. Their actions are based on their "gut feeling"

Thinking: They think through their actions and consider what could possibly be affected by their actions

Judging: They do their actions based on what they have observed in the real world and what has happened in their past


Extraverted: Someone that is comfortable in social situations and can be confident when being the center of attention

Sensing: They tend to act on impulse

Thinking: They think things through and make decisions through logic

Perceiving: They are very aware of their surroundings and often question why things happen.

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