Shakespeare By Demetrius Broussard P.2

Shakespeare's life

Quote 1:Shakespeare's stock was steadily rising. In 1934, the first year the Nazis fully controlled the choice of plays, 235 theaters in Germany opened with new Shakespeare productions. Three years later the figure stood at 320.

To me this means that when the plays made it to Germany the Nazi's quickly took charge of what plays could be seen and even changed hem up a little based on the content in them.

Quote 2:The case for Oxford was first made in 1920 by a schoolmaster, John Thomas Looney, in a work entitled 'Shakespeare' Identified. Looney's book was praised by a host of enthusiasts who gradually made Oxford the most popular of the 'Shakespeare claimants', replacing Bacon.

In my now words, this means t me that some guys who worked with Shakespeare had came up with some ideas of their own and then a host of enthusiasts slowly read all their work and tweaked it to make it better and replaced him.

Quote 3:"His father, John Shakespeare, was successful in the leather business during Shakespeare's early childhood but later met with financial difficulties"("WiIllam").

This fits with what I know because I seen that his father had a leather business that was very successful so that mean the did not have to worry about if he was going to eat that day.

Quote 4: "The summer of 1596 was a sad one for William Shakespeare. Following the success of Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream the previous year, his only son, Hamnet, died at the age of 11."

To me it seemed like Shakespeare was hop about the success of his play Romeo and Juliet but while he was becoming famous his son passed away not being able to experience being a celebrities child.

Quote 5:"The summer of 1596 was a sad one for William Shakespeare. Following the success of Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream the previous year, his only son, Hamnet, died at the age of 11."

This fits with what I know because, I am sure Shakespeare was not the only famous person who lost his/her child right when their name stated getting bigger.I also could follow up on what recent celebrities who had also loss their child early in their fame life


Created with images by tonynetone - "William Shakespeare" • shaun_hare - "Shakespeare's birthplace" • D-Stanley - "Shakespeare`s Globe Theatre" • Kieran Lynam - "Shakespeare's Globe"

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