Yemen Revolutions By: becca gilpin

Incubation Stage

During the Incubation Stage starvation and famine are long term causes. Starvation has happened because the Saudiled Coalilation had blocked food supplies from entering Yemen. Causing people to have slow and painful deaths.

A Yemeni women helps her malnourished child to breathe


Some of the systematic causes/short term causes of Yemen are that there has been a blockage of most goods that come into Yemen. With that most companies have had to shut down from lack of resources. Resulting with unemployment within Yemen, making food un-affordable for most people.

Saudi launches airstrike on Yemen

Crisis Stage

This revolution has entered the crisis stage. This don't look to great for Yemen. 10,000 civilians have been killed or wounded. Every since Saulid starting the bombing on Yemen there has been 13 deaths a day in Yemen.

Convalescence Stage

Yemen has entered the Convalescence stage because more than 2.4 million people have left their homes and more than 14 million are unable to meet their food and other basic needs. It has been a horrible time for Yemen. During the war airstrikes, shelling, and violence had raged on an already impoverished country

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