Good Life Tour of the Harn Jordan Henley


In this Spark Story, I will go over my visit to the Harn and specifically focus on four things specifically: Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist, Design of the Museum, Art and Core Values, and Art and the Good Life.

Medium of the Art/Technique of the Artist

The painting in the above picture was meant to be seen in person because of the rich textures and soothing colors that are so apparent in person. When I saw this picture, I was immediately brought back to when I canoed down the Ichetucknee river. I don't believed I would have had the same feeling if I saw this online.

Design of the Museum

I was walking around the Harn looking at different paintings when I stumbled across a section that was made up of painting of urban nightlife. The ambiance of this part of the Harn was extremely comforting which was the reason why I spent the majority of my time in this section. Even with a tour going on right next to me, the lighting and arrangement of paintings created a calming atmosphere. The design of this was perfect and helped illuminate a group of painting that I might not of noticed without this design.

Art and Core Values

When I saw this sculpture, I was reminded of a beanbag chair/bed that was at one of my friend's house. I would always lay on this beanbag thing when I was at his house and this reminded of all the times we would hang out before I left for college. This helped me appreciate one of my core values which the value of the importance of true friendship.

Art and the Good Life

The painting above reminded of my idea of what the Good Life is to me and the goals I have for future. My goal out of college is to live in a big city, since I lived in a small town my whole life, and to acquire the experiences of a cultural mixing pot that a big city is. This isn't the main goal of my life but it reminds of the first step out of college I want to take to find my own Good Life.

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