
Welcome to Kids' Church The First United Methodist Church of LaGrange

Sunday, September 13th

when we spend time with jesus, he changes us!

Welcome to our interactive family worship service. Below are videos, music, and activities that you can do together. Follow the outline and click on the links. We have the opportunity to embrace sharing faith together in a new way. Parents: I know you have a lot on your plates these days. This can be a fun and easy way to connect and share with your children as we grow in faith together.


Today we’ll learn about a time Jesus hung out with a person everyone thought was a bad guy. We’ll see that when we spend time with Jesus, he changes us. Who is someone you wish you could spend time with?

Also, new today is our weekly "Kids in the 'Son' Light." Each week we will feature at least one person and show how they have amazing hearts; like Jesus' own. Dr. John Beyers calls us all "unrepeatable miracles of God." We want to share with everyone how FUMC kids are bringing the light of Jesus into LaGrange!


Luke 19:1-10

There's no one better to spend time with than Jesus! When a man in the Bible named Zacchaeus spent time with Jesus, he changed from stealing money to giving away money! Zacchaeus was a rich tax collector and sometimes, tax collectors stole from people. The reason Zacchaeus could take people's money is that tax collectors were protected by the law. Their job was to take some of people's money to give to the government. People still pay taxes like that today. But back then, tax collectors took a lot more money than the government needed and kept the extra for themselves. What do you think of Zacchaeus right now? Let's see what happened.


Choose your favorites to watch and sing along.


Today we are learning about Zacchaeus. There are a lot of things we know about Zacchaeus from today's Bible story. But what's really the point? What do you think is the point of Zacchaeus' story?

In the video below you'll see what really matters about Zacchaeus' life.


At the end of the video, Bob asks, "If you were Zacchaeus, would you come down out of your tree?" How would you answer that question?

Do you think one encounter with Jesus can still change someone's life today? Why?

We don't know if Jesus and Zacchaeus ever hung out again. If they did, the Bible doesn't talk about it. But we do know that hanging out one time was all it took for Zacchaeus' heart to be changed! When we spend time with Jesus, He changes our hearts.


Dear Lord, thank you for loving me and changing my heart. Thank you that you never stop changing me as I spend time with you. Shine your light in me, through me, over me. Help me to make a difference in this world, for your glory and purposes. I love you Lord. Amen!


Talk to Jesus everyday this week. Remember Jesus hears you and wants to be your friend.



Created with an image by niko photos - "This is the first photo I am uploading to unsplash.com - I’ve been taking photos actively for the last 15 years, and despite having a vast collection of thousands of images from all parts of the world, I have never really sold any. I love the idea of sharing free images for those who cannot afford to pay for them. I also believe that those who can afford to pay for a photo, and appreciate the efforts of a photographer will be happy to compensate the photographer when they use one for commercial purposes. Here is a free image of a tree - if you use it, please follow my Instagram @niko.photos :)"