Karma A pitch by Ella Phillips

My Synopsis

A homeless girl begs on a street. Many people pass her and one person gives her a small donation. We then follow the life of the person who gives the donation
The person who helps the girl soon loses her job. She can't afford to pay bills and gets evicted from her house. Because of this, she is now homeless and begging on the street
One day while she is lying on the street, the person she helped out a while a go recognises her. The small donation she gave long ago helped her to get back on her feet.
The once homeless person gives the person who helped her so long a go a home and supports her until she can become self sufficient again.

Cast / Characters

Characters: Homeless girl who becomes self sufficient, person who becomes homeless and the boss of the girl who becomes homeless

Influences from other media avenues

I found influence in a short film called 'My Shoes'. The main ideas behind it are to always be grateful for what you have and to not underestimate peoples struggles.

Inspiration Images

The images above show the ways I would like the film to look with a nude, pale colour scheme. The hair, make up and outfits are similar to what I'd want in the film.

Possible Locations

Some places that I would like to film the movie are; the media room, outside the uniform shop, outside the Language learning center and the Bay Café

Final Slide

Thanks for watching! :D


Created with images by Unsplash - "camera photography lens" • Pexels - "fountain pen notebook paper" • moritz320 - "advance directive pen signature" • Unsplash - "coffee write table" • Unsplash - "typewriter author mechanical" • Wokandapix - "person homeless bullied" • João Lavinha - "Movie" • kevin dooley - "Instant film"

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