Goodlife Performance: The Divine By Chris Conley

In the lobby

The lobby area of Constans theater had a very relaxing, modern feel to it. It felt nearly like a museum because of the decor and relaxing vibes. Once I entered the auditorium, I could feel the suspense building in the audience. The dim lighting had a stark contrast from the bright whites of the lobby. Moments before the play began, light snowfall came down behind the set, setting the mood for the opening scene. Setting a scene is very important in many aspects of life. One's surroundings influence their experience greatly and a proper environment is necessary to experience the good life.

The audience waits for the performance

I attended the performance with a group of friends. We all read the description together to preface the performance and get a feel for what we would be watching. Being in the theater with friends enhanced my experience because we were able to discuss our thoughts afterward. It helped me to understand the themes in the play and the plot. The importance of shared experiences lies in our ability to share thoughts and emotions.

The Divine Playbill

The central focus of The Divine is the conflict between the church and theater. Before seeing the play, I did not know much about the disdain help by the church regarding the art of playwriting. The play did well to explain this discontentedness and how it affected the lives of the characters. The arguments made in favor of the theater helped me to appreciate the work that goes into each play and how it is more than just a performance. A play is an expression of its writer and a method to shine a light on neglected problems in society. During the time setting of the play, child labor abuse was a major social issue and The Divine focuses on this problem along with several others in its plot.

The Door

The Divine provides an opportunity for catharsis at its conclusion when the truth is revealed about Talbot's history with the priest. The priest's testimony about his actions reveals many repressed feelings from both Talbot and Brother Casgrain due to the wrong that had been done unto them. In addition, theater as a whole experiences a catharsis in the play written by Michaud. As The Divine unfolds, it is revealed that the play being written about Talbot is the play being performed for the audience after-the-fact. This provides the audience with a bit of introspection into what goes on behind the scenes of writing a play and the struggle that playwrights face to find inspiration.

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