Canada Wonders, if U.S. Balks, Is Carbon Pricing Still the Answer? IAN AUSTEN

Summary of Article: Officials from Canada and the United States sat down to work out carbo policy for the next couple of years. Some Canadian Officials want to move ahead with a tax on carbon emissions. Different parts of Canada are already starting to try and change the way they are dealing with carbon emissions. The side opposed to carbon pricing is saying that it will jeopardize the Canadian economy down the road.

Analysis of Article: This is important for everyone to know because it could affect our lives. It could affect the environment around us. How both Canada and the United States decide what to do on this issue could either be an impact or a great downfall as too where the environment will go. For the world to get this under control every country needs to come up with a plan to stat lowering their carbon emissions and eventually that will translate to the bigger population.

If you want to learn more about carbon emissions around the world check out this video!

My Big Takeaways: I chose this article because usually I am not interested in environmental things like this, but for some reason when reading this headline it seemed to peak my interest. I want to learn which countries have the highest carbon emission and what they are trying to do to stop it.

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