Ashlyn Dunnagan First Semester -6th Grade

Most middle school days begin by getting on the bus and going to school, by the time we get to school I walk down the hall to the sixth grade hallway and right before i enter the hallway Coach Craig greets me .

Once ive unpacked i go to homeroom Mrs.S.Carolls class scocial studies and do my worked when that bell is over I go to science Mrs.Bundys class then to lunch and then one of my favorite classes. Corus!Mr.cooks class I love this class because I love to sing, after his class I go to gym one of my other favorite classes. I love gym because most of the time we all get along also because we always have a good time in there and all the activities we do are so fun. Now that the first semester is to a end I was so very sad that I had to leave corus and gym and to leave the great teachers.

after i leave my electives its to ELA Mrs.Johnstons class then to math Mrs.Andersons class then we pack are stuff up and go home. i have learned so much and am excited to learn more as we start the second semester. Ive also made so many new friends and there all so amazing and I love them so much i dont know what i would do without them there has been fights but we got through them and life is great.

This year so far I haven't gone on any trips but hope to soon.My family did get a brand new car but nothing really has happened.


Created with images by kevin dooley - "School bus" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • Rusty Clark - "Merritt Island FL" • AlexanderStein - "paperclip clip office" • Didgeman - "microphone mixer cable" • Keoni Cabral - "Sky Ball" • PublicDomainPictures - "artistic bright color" • Wokandapix - "classroom school desks"

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