Basic Elements and Principles of Design Alec w. boyce

Contrast: This image clearly represents contrast because the colors are strikingly different.
Repetition: This image clearly represents repetition because it displays The Coca Cola Company logo on multiple bottles in succession on the same billboard.
Alignment: This advertisement represents alignment because it shows text,shapes, and lines in appropriate positions in the poster.
Proximity: The Beatles album cover for Rubber Soul represents proximity in art because it displays the different members of the Beatles near each other in space, in the time period the picture was taken, and shows their complex relationship that defined the era of Beatle-Mania.
Lines: This album cover for Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Side Of The Moon represents the concept of lines because there are strong, colorful, and, in essence, psychedelic long marks and bands that bisect this album cover.
Color: This movie poster for Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange represents color because there are strong orange hues that awash this poster in a visual beauty that contrasts greatly with the black droogs in the bottom left corner of the poster.
Texture: This Dictionary represents texture because it shows the feel of the red felt material that makes up the essence, or substance of the book.
Shape: This Beatles Album Cover of Abbey Road displays shape because it shows the square figure of the album cover with the circular figure of the vinyl record itself.
Size: This McDonald's ad represents size because it shows the different dimensions of their drink cups.
Space: The Beatles White Album represents space because it shows the unmarked section of the cover, which is actually negative space.
Value: This image of blue represents value because it shows the different shade of blue, in this case royal blue, instead of say Light Blue.
Created By
Alec Boyce


Created with images by gabrielfam - "colors color pencil"

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