
Tutorials Scroll down for links

Introduction to Basic Researching for Nursing Students

Please note: If you are off-campus, you will have to login with your UNCW e-mail and password to access online resources such as journal articles and e-Books.


Research Tutorials


CINAHL Plus with Full Text




Google and Google Scholar


Ovid Medline and Ovid Emcare

The search interfaces for Ovid Medline and Ovid Emcare are essentially the same. I recorded this instructional tutorial using Ovid Medline. However, you can use the same strategies in this video to search in Ovid Emcare.


Tutorials for DNP Students

These tutorials have been created to demonstrate how to do a literature search using a database from the library’s Nursing Subject Guide. Since each database is slightly different, and since you may not find everything you need in one database, I’ve created a total of 3 tutorials, each one recreating the same search in 3 different databases. I’ve used a topic that would typically be assigned in the DNP program; that is, find literature on evidence based interventions for anxiety.


Visible Body


R2 Digital Library


Cochrane Library




Created with an image by sasint - "hospital assistance caretaker"