landforms and plate boundaries by:manny rosales

convergent plate boundires

convergent boundaries:when two plates collide the denser plate always sinks below the more buoyant plate in a process called subduction


subduction:subduction is when the denser plate goes under earth along a convergent plate boundary is called subduction

this is subduction


stress:there are three types of stresses and the one that convergent boundaries use are compression when it is squeezing against each other

this is compression


convergent boundaries form strong earthquakes and they also form volcanic mountains or islands

real life events

arc islands

In a subduction zone, the subducting plate, which is normally a plate with oceanic crust, moves beneath the other plate, which can be made of either oceanic or continental crust. During collisions between two continental plates, large mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas are formed.

divergent plate boundaries

divergent plate boundaries are when oceanic plates and mid ocean ridges plates move apart the lava rises up


divergent plate boundaries create tension stress when they move away from each other

he state of being stretched tight.


divergent plate boundaries can create rift valleys and its when two continental plates move away from each other and the other stretches out the crust until it begins to break fault

real life events

iceland Rift Valley

Slicing through the center of Iceland is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is the boundary between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates

transform boundaries

transform boundaries are Places where plates slide past each other are called transform boundaries.


the stress that transform boundaries are is shear stress parallel forces acting in opposite directions are shear

shear stress


One of the primary landforms that is produced by a transform boundary is a fault

real life events

san Andreas fault the san Andreas fault is a transform landform created by a transform boundaries

other facts

Transform Boundary Continental-Continental Stress: Shearing

he largest historical earthquakes that occurred along the San Andreas fault were those in 1857 and 1906. The earthquake of January 9, 1857, in southern California apparently was about the same magnitude as the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.


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