DAD. by: vic lapidas

The main focus of my story is about my dad doing everyday activities. The focus is about the hard work my dad does everyday as a single working parent. The story focuses on the everyday activities my dad does to raise my sister and I, while having a full time job and the way he can be misunderstood sometimes because of the fact that he is a single, working parent. The pictures are taken through my eyes and my view to have the viewers look at the hard work that my dad does from my perspective. This topic is important to me because my dad does not get the credit that he deserves. He works extremely hard, even when doing everyday activities and I feel like that can be misunderstood sometimes. I wanted to give my dad some credit for all the work that he does since he has raised a family all by himself and I feel like that can be extremely misunderstood sometimes. He is a great parent and deserves the recognition. I hope the viewers see how extremely hard my dad works doing everyday activities while also working part time from home. I also hope the viewers feel compassion and happiness for my dad because even when he goes through a lot and works hard everyday, he is always smiling.

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