Messages to the World Pat, Dylan, Zach

Chicago: Stop the violence and stay peaceful.

This message is important to hear because something in Chicago needs to change. It is one average the most violent city in the United States. Killing each other will not help us come together.

Beijing- Stop polluting: Save the environment.

This is an important message for the whole world but Beijing in particular. China is the worst city for the environment in the world. On many days of the year their citizens have to wear masks because they can not breath in the air.

Donetsk-Stand your ground

As Civil War threatens to tear the Ukraine apart, we encourage the victims of aggression and oppression to stand up for themselves and those less capable. While violence should be the last resort, violence cannot be stifled by tolerance and understanding alone. To ensure the freedom of people and the rights given to them by God, we encourage the aggressed sect of peoples to resist tyranny and fight for your rights.

Sydney: Keep spreading the arts around the world.

This message is important because as we know Sydney is home to the Sydney opera house. Over 8.2 million people a year visit the Sydney opera house. And anything that can provide beautiful art to that many people is really inspiring

Tokyo: Keep inventing and driving the world forward.

Tokyo is one of the most technology centered cities in the world. The world is trending in a direction wher technology is becoming more and more important. We can use Tokyo and a center for advancements that can help the world in many ways.

Berkeley: Everyone should be heard

At university of Berkeley California, students on campus rioted and used violence to shut down a talk by conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulus. While you never are under any obligation to agree with someone, the core American value of free speech should allow anyone to be able to speak their opinion without fear of violent recrimination. This is the only true way we can move forward and help everybody.

Aleppo: Don't gave up; keep persevering

Aleppo is a war torn city in Syria. People there are already showing a lot of courage in making it through. They just need to hold firm belief that help will come, and not give up.


Created with images by skeeze - "world earth planet"

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