Jean Batten by kara, mystasia & sylvia

Jean batten was a New Zealander, born in September 1909 in Rotorua, and died November 22 1982 in Majorca Spain, by a dog bite after refusing to use treatment.

In 1924, Jean Batten sailed to England with her mother, and began to learn to fly at the London airplane Club. By December she had gained her ‘A’ licence and had her eye on breaking the women's record for a flight from England to Australia. The mid 1930's were the heyday of Batten's flying career. After two failed attempts to fly from England to Australia in 1933 she successfully completed the flight in May 1934 that took 5 days. In November 1935 Jean batten became the first women to fly across the South Atlantic. Her plane was called CB'E OS'C. In October 1936 she went a step further and made the best ever direct flight from England to New Zealand, and stayed New Zealand until 1937 Jean retired, and never got married for as long as she was alive.

Jean's full name was Jean Gardner Batten. When Jean was born she was known as Jane, but her name soon changed to Jean as she became famous.

Batten who made record breaking flights from 1933 to 1937 and could of been the most famous New Zealander of the 1930's.

Jean Batten about to fly from England to Australia.

Batten was sent to England to study music, but she was more interested in flying and then she earned a private pilots licence in 1930.


Created with images by PhillipC - "Jean Batten's England to NZ Vega Gull, Auckland Airport, 22 November 2006" • PhillipC - "Jean Batten's England to NZ Vega Gull, Auckland Airport, 22 November 2006"

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